Monday, December 22, 2008

Energy Consumption Project - Results

My main goal for this project was to figure out how much extra fuel I was burning in the evenings when I turned my heat up to 70 degrees from 60.  I wanted to do this project because my landlord charges me a base rate for rent, and I was curious if my habit of keeping my house tropical was making him dip into is emergency savings.

After collecting the data in excel, I crunched the numbers and displayed the results in a powerpoint document which I then presented in a YouTube video.

Bottom line, I've concluded that my landlord is paying roughly $244.13 per month, instead of $228.75 per month if I were to keep it at a constant 60.  This is a 6.3% cost increase per month.

Evaluation of my Youtube presentation:
  • seemed to know what I was talking about
  • fairly good body control
  • good eye contact with the camera
  • explanations where mostly clear
  • rebounded well after being distracted
  • was able to complete lengthy presentation within 10 minute time limit
  • said umm too many times.
  • lost my train of thought when someone came to the door
  • recording was too quiet

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